The Iowa Nurserymen’s Research Corp. was organized in 1954 with a primary function of introducing new plant material developed by Iowa State University. Since that time I.N.R.C. has introduced the following:
Black Hawk Raspberry (1955)–A real winner to start the program. Black Hawk continues to be one of the top black caps.
Jonadel Apple (1956)–This Jonathan X Red Delicious cross has excellent quality and outstanding red color.
Cyclone Strawberry (Dr. E.L. Denison, 1960)–Still a popular June-bearing variety for the Midwest.
Chieftain Apple (1968)–a progeny of a cross between Jonathan and Red Delicious. An apple you can eat in October and one you can store all winter. Preferred by consumers over both its parents. Excellent for cooking.
Amethyst Raspberry (Dr. E.L. Denison, 1969)–One of the best purple raspberries in the country.
Stoplight Strawberry (Dr. E.L. Denison, 1970)–Excellent June-bearing variety that ripens in a concentrated time period.
Pink Princess Weigela (Dr. Jack L. Weigle, 1975)–One of the hardiest weigela varieties. Grows up to 6 feet tall, attractive deep green foliage with reddish-purple margins and stems. Bright pink flowers cover each branch from mid-May into June.
Sunrise Forsythia (Dr. Jack L. Weigle, 1981)–Neat and compact plant, only 4 to 6 feet tall. Bright green foliage turns an attractive purplish-mahogany in autumn. Very consistent bloomer with bright yellow flowers in early spring.
Red Prince Weigela (Dr. Jack L. Weigle, 1984)–Medium size shrub growing up to 6 feet tall, rather upright when young becoming more arching with maturity. Pure, bright red flowers that do not fade or become “purplish” with age and a strong tendency for secondary bloom. Excellent winter hardiness.
White Knight Weigela (P.P. X 8348) (Dr. Jack L. Weigle, 1994)–Well branched, medium growing up to 6 feet tall. Very heavy bloomer, white flowers with pink tips in May-June and a very good secondary bloom in August.
The I.N.R.C. has allocated over $18,450.00 to Iowa State University for research projects. Donated $25,000.00 to The Horticulture Research Institute (H.R.I.) to establish the “Silver Circle Iowa Nursery and Landscape Research Fund” (in 1998). Donated $5,000 to the Landscape Plant Development Center targeted to their new Pyrus (Ornamental Pear) evaluation program.
Although our basic function is funding the development of new varieties and the introduction of these varieties, the I.N.R.C. has also funded or helped fund the following research projects at Iowa State University.
Research Projects Initiated at Iowa State University and Funded by The Iowa Nurserymen’s Research Corporation:
New French Lilac Cultivars from Latvia (Now under quarantine inspection at USDA in Beltsville, MD) |
Evaluation of Ten Seldom Used Conifer species in Iowa (Brenton Arboretum) |
Evaluation of Griffith Buck Rose Cultivars for Resistance to Black Spot |
Investigation of a New Leaf Spot Disease of Japanese Tree Lilac |
Development and Evaluation of Techniques for Management of Sclerotium rolfsii (Petiole Rot) of Hosta |
Hybridization, Germination, and Landscape Ecology of the genus Dirica (Leatherwood) |
Propagation and Evaluation of Corkwood (Leitneria flooridana) |
Shade Tolerance of ‘September Sun’ and other Seaside Alders (Alnus maritima) |
Evaluating the Impact of Ornamental Horticulture in Iowa |
Selection, Propagation, Hardiness, and Invasiveness Study of Carolina Buckthorn (Rhamnus carolina) |
Potential for Alnus maritima (Seaside Alder) as a new landscape plant for Iowa |
Increasing diversity of conifer trees in the upper Midwest-resistance of under-used Pinus species to Dothistroma pini H. |
Screening Hosta for resistance to crown rot caused by Sclerotium Rolfsi |
Susceptibility of selected juniper cultivars to Kabatina tip blight |
The effect of transplant date on establishment of several difficult to trans- plant deciduous tree species on going Iowa State University Research Funded by the Iowa Nurserymen’s Research Corporation: |
Continued development and maintenance of ornamental tree and shrub evaluations at the Iowa State Horticulture Station |
Effect of Several Organic and Inorganic Mulches on Tree Growth and Soil Properties |
Selection of Red and Freeman Maples for the Upper Midwest |
Field Testing Scab-Immune Apple cultivars |
Evaluation of New Half-high Blueberry cultivars |
Shade and Ornamental Tree Evaluation |
Flowering Crabapple Trial |
Evaluation of Deciduous Azaleas for Iowa |
Selection and Propagation of Superior Maackia amurensis |
Propagation of Software Cuttings Without Mist or Fog |
Comparative Drought Resistant Traits of Acer Nigrum and Acer saccharum |
Ash Yellows Extent in Iowa |
Completion of Ash Yellows Cultivar Resistance Trial |
Assay of Insect Populations that may Vector Ash Yellows in Iowa |
Resistance of Green and White Ash Cultivars to Ash Yellows |
An Assay of a Pathogen that Produces Ash Decline Symptoms and the Insects that May Vector the Pathogen in Iowa |
From the statistics above you can see your Research Corporation has been active and productive. But we cannot rest on last year’s laurels. We are really just getting sufficient monies in the treasury to make an impact on research at I.S.U. We need to keep evaluating shrub and tree selections at the Horticulture Farm for future income for new research.
Your input is vital if we are to enhance the growth and well being of the Iowa nursery industry. Please contribute your ideas and suggestions to this all-important process. We need to work together to build and maintain a strong commitment to ensure the continued success and growth of the Iowa nursery industry.
The following firms have been instrumental in royalty payments in the last year. We are indebted to them for their commitment.
Bailey Nurseries, Inc. |
Monrovia Nursery Co. |
Carlton Plants |
Mount Arbor Nurseries |
Lake County Nurseries |
Cross Nurseries, Inc. |
Sherman Nursery Co. |
Greenleaf Nursery Co. |
Sjulin Nurseries, Inc. |
Hines Nursery Co. |
Van Belle Nursery, B.C. |
McKay Nursery Co. |
Agriculture Research | Number of Terms | Expires |
George Bottenberg | 1 | 2003 |
Eric Sjulin, Secretary-Treasurer | 1 | 2004 |
John Vermeer | 1 | 2005 |
Dale Siems, President | 1 | 2006 |
Todd Brockshus | 1 | 2007 |
Del Brockshus | 1 | 2009 |
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